Hi everyone! Thank you all for joining in my discussion
"Daddy wants his sexy mama back". I got so many useful tips, and links that I thought I'd put it all together for all the busy moms out there on their quest to lose the baby phat!
Let me start by saying that my hubby doesn't care how much I weigh!! This is my quest to get healthy and have the energy to enjoy my son and my hubby! Like
RTBjr73 said " The number one reason is to get healthy and to set a good example for our kids"
For starters; I got inspired by my blogger friend
Gretchen-she's a mom on a mission! I was so impressed with her perseverance and focus. She's made such an amazing progress!! Kinda jealous to tell you the truth! :) I thought I should join her quest!
Searchingwithin brought up a good point! Drink water! HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE! There's no better way to help the body process fat than by drinking water instead of sodas and high sugared juices!! ( I gained 25lbs in my first trimester due to drinking "natural sodas"!)..J-LO booty or not, that is just way too much weight to gain at once!
All you need is 10 MINUTES! Christinebean is a firm believer of the "The ten minute solution" with Pilates. Busy mommy or not, you are worth TEN MINUTES!
Mayjah has the most creative post on exercising while multi-tasking! What a better way to exercise while you are on the computer, or washing dishes or even, yes..while watching "Desperate housewives" on TV!! She did mention that you may be suddenly attacked by your other half while doing some of these! I agree!
So, without further adew... here is my version of
CARDIO: Grab a set of your favorite tunes, load them up to your ipod or Mp3 player, put on some sexy workout gear, put your baby on his stroller/wagon/bike seat and head for a stroll around your neighborhood. While your walking and listening to some upbeat music you accomplish two things: It BOOSTS UP YOUR MOOD and it provokes you to WALK FASTER! Jog if you like the challenge of pushing the stroller on an uphill!! That will get your legs warmed up real fast! (Sexy workout gear is for psychological motivation ladies, not meant for flirting with your neighbor! ;)
LEG LIFTS/TUMMY TUCK (lower abdominal pooch)
A. Start flat on the floor, baby rests on top of your feet.
Good to start with feet touching the floor.
B. Raise your legs so that knees are bent at 90 degree angle. Use your stomach muscles to lift.
So far I can only do 2 sets/of 10 on all these..But you can shoot for more!!
J-LO HINEY TIGHTENER-UPPERS (say that ten times fast)
A. Start with lower back flat on
the floor. Use baby on your stomach as resistant weight. He has fun watching you sweat!
B. Use your butt muscles to lift your torso into a straight line with your legs. SQUEEZE
MOMMY PUSH-UPS ( arm flab, booby boost )
A. Start with knees bent, place baby under you so you're forced to lift your weight :) Elbows bent. Stomach and back in a straight line.
B. Lift to straighten elbows, give your baby a smile! keep knees bent at 90 degree angle, HOLD!
BABY BENCH PRESS/Low tummy tuck
A. Start with feet and back flat on floor. Lift baby up "Super Boy!"
He'll like flying.
B. As you lower baby, lift legs off the floor as you extend them. Repeat (don't forget-BREATHE)
A. Start belly side down, up on elbows at 90 degree angle. Tips of toes facing down and ankle at 90 degree angle.
B. Lift your weight off the floor on the tips of your toes and elbows. Use Abdominal muscles to lift your core. KISS BABY!!
And there goes your ten minutes!! Not long but effective, specially when you're using an 19 lbs weight!! I can guarantee your baby will have a blast and you will be sore in the morning! You're other half may have to sit it out for a few nights :( But it's worth it at the end.
Stay tunned for follow up posts. Feel free to grab my widget on your way out to keep up with my next post on this quest. Don't forget to leave your link if you wanna join and play!!
What great ideas. I love it!
Way to go, what a great start! Its so true about the water, you need at least 64oz of water a day. I drink alot of cystal lite, I'm not much of a plain water gal. Also increase the protein. I eat about 40-50g of protein a day. I can't stress that enough, and make sure you do some sort of physical exercise everyday, and girl, you will have your sexy back! Keep it up!
Such a cute post!
Best wishes.
-Liane Schmidt.
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