
Friday, August 1, 2008

Mommy and Daddy, are you meeting my emotional needs?

Hi mom:

I had a dream last night..
dreamed that I was all grown up!
I saw myself but couldn't recognize who I was
Didn't look like me..
Didn't act like me..
Didn't feel like me..
I couldn't understand who I saw????

So I wanted to share my dream
and tell you what I need
So when I grow up
I can be who God made me to be

I need an accepting mommy and daddy
who will model healthy female and male characteristics

I need to be loved unconditionally
so I can reach out to you with love and have my love accepted

I need to be acknowledged
Received, heard and included, and considered important

I need affirmation, words of encouragement and praise
for my accomplishments and personal characteristics

I need support
Strength and assistance to achieve

I need to trust my mommy and daddy
To rely on you to meet my emotional and physical needs as I mature

I need knowledge and Instruction
at the level of my inquiries

I need safe and nurturing touch
Without fear of pain or invasion

I need direction
Gentle training for my decision making and learning self control

I need active participation and caring
from my significant others

I need time devoted specifically to me
so I know I'm important and matter in your life

I need a sense of security
A peaceful home to enjoy the pure joy of the magic of my childhood

I need a comfortable routine
so my life is predictable and ..

I need the consistency of knowing
that consequences to my actions are based on principle
not emotions..

Finally, I need WINGS!
Freedom at the APPROPRIATE AGE
and maturity level to make my own choices in life...

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