
Friday, April 11, 2008


If you're like me; a first time mom, you'll appreciate some helpful tips on how to get more than four hours of sleep at night. I was walking around like a zombie for months because my son would wake up every two hours to feed. He is now 8 months and wakes up only once a night..(and that will be changing soon as well..)

If you've read all the books, they'll tell you you're supposed to sleep when you're baby sleeps..yeah right!!! Can't do that if you have laundry to wash, meals to cook, house to clean, bills to pay, showers to take, business to build, husband to pamper, dishes to wash, you get the picture. During the day it is almost impossible to take a nap while your baby naps because you have all those pressing matters in your mind you must take care of. So, without further adew...


  1. CREATE A BEDTIME ROUTINE: Try putting her to sleep at the same time every night. Keep the atmosphere the same (low lighting, quiet, bedtime bath etc..). If she gets the same cues "it's sleepy-time, bedtime, nap time" or just the same 'ol nursery rhyme every night she'll start to learn it is time for bed.
  2. ROCK YOUR BABY: Whether you have a rocking chair or not, it is soothing for her to feel close to you, the motion will remind her of the belly and while she feels comforted, she'll be more likely to settle down and wind down.
  3. MAKE YOUR LAST FEEDING LAST THE NIGHT: Try giving your baby one last feeding before midnight. If you're breastfeeding you may want to top her off with some formula. Mom's breast milk is more easily digested and therefore doesn't satiate them as long, hence, the every two hour wake up calls. But if you're one of the lucky few whose milk carries that special sedative, you wouldn't be reading this post..right?? Your goal is to make them feel full and satisfied.
  4. MAKE SURE SHE'S COMFORTABLE: Is it too hot? Too cold? Too dark? Too bright? Does she need to be burped before putting her down? Hopefully, part of your bedtime routine includes clean diaper and Jami's :) Is there too much noise? not enough noise (some babies prefer the white noise in the background..try a fan).
  5. TEACH HER TO FALL ASLEEP ON HER OWN: Last but not least, try putting her down when she is ready to fall asleep but..while she's still awake. Huh?? In other words, she's too tired to do anything else, but she is starting to fade.. That will teach her to fall asleep on her own and not on the bottle or on the breast. If she wakes up and realizes she's no longer sucking on something..She'll be more than happy to let out that ear piercing squeal that startles you to your feet from a dead sleep of night.
Well, hope this helps. Let me know if it works. GOOD LUCK AND GOOD SLEEP!

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